How To Make A Pallet Gardening Table
Gardening is a beautiful passion but it requires effort and time. If you like to take care of your outdoor space, starting from the lawn and finishing with the vegetable garden, you know how important it is to organize your garden maintenance work to ensure that all plants and decorative elements look at their best.
To carry on with your passion, an essential thing to have is a working space dedicated to all the types of activities of a gardener, such as potting plants, ripe vegetables or simply store the tools you usually use for the daily chores. In other words, you need a workbench, also known as a gardening table.
On the market, there are available dozens of models of gardening tables, but making one yourself is more fun than buying.
A workbench can be built from the most various materials, but a cheap and versatile solution is transforming some wooden pallets into a chic and highly functional object. Pallets can be used to make countless gardening objects, such as planters, vertical gardens, or garden furnishings. You can easily transform the pallets into amazing workbenches that will become the envy of any gardening enthusiast.
To help you put your DIY project into practice, we selected two gardening table models and created step-by-step guides on how to make them. So, let’s see how to make a pallet gardening table.
Making A Pallet Gardening Table
The first gardening table we are about to describe is ideal to use as a workbench and storage cabinet for various tools, pots, or accessories for the electric tools, such as the string for the weed eater. The design is beautiful and this gardening table is really simple to make, using wooden boards recycled from pallets.
Pallet Gardening Table And Cabinet
You’ll Need:
- 6 boards of 24 inches long and 0,8 inches wide;
- 0,8×2,25 inches slats of various lengths;
- 2 of 66 inches long;
- 2 of 64 inches long;
- 2 of 35 inches long;
- 6 of 19 inches long;
- 3 of 39 inches long;
- 15 axes of 30 inches long and 4 inches wide;
- 6 axes of 31 inches long and 4 inches wide;
- 2 wooden shelves;
- 1 board with the dimensions 31×5,5×0,8 inches;
- 1 can of wood paint in the color of your choice;
- Wood screws;
- Nails;
- Sandpaper.
How To Do It:
- Start by nailing 5 axes of 30 inches long to two boards of 24 inches long and 0,8 inches wide. Repeat this operation three times to obtain three shelves of the same size.
- Using the screws, attach one of the shelves you have just made to the two 64 inches long slats, positioning them perpendicularly on the slats at a height of 35 inches and positioning one slat at one end of the shelves and the other at the other end of the shelf, on the length of the shelf. Now, on the other side of the shelves, screw the two 35 inches long slats, to create in this way a table with a vertical support. Repeat the operation with the remaining two shelves, positioning them at equal distances between the legs of the table.
- Fix the two 66 inches long slats on the sides of the table, in an oblique position, to consolidate the structure.
- Fix the board with the dimensions of 31×5,5×0,8 inches on the upper part of the long slats that form the back legs of the table, creating a support on which to fix various hooks and racks.
- With the sandpaper, remove any imperfections of the wood.
- Paint your gardening table in the color of your choice and let it dry.
This versatile gardening table can be easily transformed into a cabinet by adding a few drawers to the lower shelves, or you can leave the shelves open to fit larger objects.
Wall-mounted Gardening Table
If you don’t have the time or skills to build a cabinet gardening table, a simpler option is to make this wall-mounted folding workbench that is realized with the use of two pallets and a few screws.
On the other hand, occupying a very little space, this table is the perfect solution in a really small garden and it can be installed on one side of the house, next to a shed, or even in the garage. Here is how to make it.
You’ll Need:
- 2 pallets of equal dimensions;
- 6 large C-screws;
- 4 hinges;
- Wooden screws;
- Small C-screws;
- A 6 feet long chain;
- Drill;
- Screwdriver.
How To Do It:
- Fix two large C-screws on the wall on which you want to install your future table. Determine the height by determining first the height of your table, then place the screws at about 2 inches above the level where the wall-mounted pallet would end. The lower point of the wall-mounted pallet should correspond to the height of the table.
- Insert two other large C-screws in the upper part of the wall-mounted pallet and attach the pallet to the wall using sections of chain to attach the four screws.
- With the hinges, attach one pallet to the other so that the loose pallet is perpendicular to the wall when opened.
- Place the remaining two large C-Screws on the pallet that is mounted on the wall, positioning them at about 2 inches below the upper edge and at a distance of 2 inches from the lateral edges, one screw on each side of the pallet.
- Fix two small C-Screws on the perpendicular pallet, close to the outer edge, in a way that will allow you to attach a section of chain on each side of the table between the large and the small C-screws, to secure the structure.
- Use as many small C-screws as you want to create hooks on the vertical pallet.
- Paint the table in the color of your choice, then enjoy your convenient gardening table.
Our Tip
The pallets, especially if kept outside for long periods of time, can be quite dry and insert the screws into the wood could be difficult. To make the process easier, dip the screws in liquid soap and screwing will be much simpler.
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