Golden Money Plant Care and Interesting Facts

The golden money plant, also known as Epipremnum aureum, golden pothos, or devil’s ivy, is a hardy indoor foliage plant native to southeastern Asia. Belonging to the arum family (Araceae), this evergreen plant is often confused with the common philodendron due to their similar appearance. The thick, waxy, green, heart-shaped leaves of the golden money plant are adorned with splashes of yellow, making it an attractive addition to any indoor space.

golden money plant

As a houseplant, the golden money plant is commonly grown as a hanging plant, often gracing the shelves and walls of homes and offices. This resilient plant is known for being almost impossible to kill and maintaining its green color even when kept in the dark. Well-suited for homes with limited light or fluctuating temperatures, the golden money plant’s low maintenance and ability to thrive in challenging environments have made it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.

About Golden Money Plant

Epipremnum Aureum

Epipremnum aureum, also known as the golden money plant, is a popular indoor foliage plant native to southeastern Asia. It belongs to the Araceae family and is well-known for its thick, waxy, green, heart-shaped leaves with splashes of yellow. These evergreen plants are hardy and resilient, often grown as hanging plants to showcase their flowing vines and vibrant leaves.

Golden money plants are often mistaken for the common philodendron, as they have a similar appearance. These plants can adapt to different environmental conditions and can thrive in low light, making them perfect for indoor spaces. They are also known for their air-purifying abilities, making them a great addition to any home or office.

Other Names

This versatile plant goes by various names, including golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, house plant, money plant, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy, marble queen, taro vine, and, most notably, devil’s ivy. The name “devil’s ivy” comes from the plant’s incredible resilience and ability to stay green even when kept in the dark, making it almost impossible to kill.

Some other similar plants include Scindapsus, which also belongs to the same family and features similar vines and leaves but comes in different color and pattern variations.

In conclusion, Epipremnum aureum, or the golden money plant, is a versatile and hardy indoor plant with numerous benefits and a rich history of aliases.

Types of Money Plants

Marble Queen Money Plant

The Marble Queen Money Plant is a popular cultivar of Epipremnum aureum, known for its distinctive green and white variegation. This low-maintenance houseplant thrives in bright indirect light and can tolerate occasional neglect. The visual appeal of the Marble Queen Money Plant makes it a top choice among money plant enthusiasts.

Silver Money Plant

The Silver Money Plant, also known as Silver Dollar Vine, has the botanical name Xerosicyos danguyi. It is characterized by its round, silver-green leaves that resemble coins. The Silver Money Plant requires very little care and can be grown both indoors and outdoors in a variety of lighting conditions.

Neon Money Plant

The Neon Money Plant is another attractive cultivar of Epipremnum aureum. This variety is known for its bright neon green foliage, which adds a stunning pop of color to any indoor space. Like other money plants, the Neon Money Plant thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal care, making it an excellent choice for novice gardeners.

Silver Vine Money Plant

The Silver Vine Money Plant, also known as Pothos or Devil’s Ivy, is a versatile and adaptable houseplant. It is distinguished by its green leaves with silvery streaks, adding an elegant touch to the living space. This Silver Vine Money Plant can thrive in low light conditions and is fairly drought-tolerant, making it an easy-care plant for most homes.

Split Leaf Money Plant

The Split Leaf Money Plant, botanically known as Monstera deliciosa, is a popular large-leafed houseplant variety. Known for its distinctive split leaves, this Split Leaf Money Plant can grow to be quite large, making a dramatic statement in any indoor space. This plant is drought-tolerant and can thrive even in low sunlight, making it a great addition to homes with limited natural light.

Growing Conditions and Care

Sunlight Requirements

The golden money plant (Pilea peperomioides) is an attractive houseplant that thrives in indirect sunlight. Place it near a window with filtered light, as too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while too little light will cause slow growth and yellow leaves1. Remember to rotate your plant occasionally to promote even growth and prevent leaning towards the light source.

Temperature and Humidity

Golden money plants prefer temperatures between 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit1, with indoor temperatures not dropping below 65°F. They can tolerate typical indoor humidity levels but also benefit from increased humidity. To increase humidity levels around your plant, consider using:

  • A humidifier
  • A pebble tray with water
  • Grouping plants with similar care requirements together

Soil and Fertilizer

When planting your golden money plant, use a rich, well-draining soil3. A high-quality organic potting mix, either peat-based or coir-based, is recommended. Amend the soil with perlite to improve drainage and prevent waterlogging3. A soil pH between 6.0-7.0 is optimal for this plant3.

Fertilize your golden money plant occasionally using a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer, following the package directions for the appropriate dilution rate. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can result in excess salts in the soil which can harm the plant’s roots.

Watering and Maintenance

Watering Techniques

Golden Money Plant is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal water to thrive. When watering your Golden Money Plant, it is crucial to ensure that the soil remains evenly moist but not soggy.

  • Water the plant once every 7 to 10 days, allowing the top inch of soil to dry before watering again.
  • Use room temperature or slightly warm water to avoid shocking the plant.
  • Avoid over-watering, as this can lead to root rot or other issues.

Consistent watering is essential to maintain the health and growth of your plant. If you notice yellowing leaves, this could be an indication of a lack of water or excess water. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly to resolve any yellowing issues.

Common Problems

Golden Money Plant can face several common problems related to its care and maintenance. Addressing these problems promptly will ensure your plant stays healthy and thriving.

1. Yellowing Leaves: This could be caused by:

  • Over-watering or under-watering the plant
  • Too little light exposure
  • Nutrient deficiency

Solutions: Adjust your watering schedule and consider moving your plant to a spot with more indirect sunlight. Fertilizing the plant every few months can also help address nutrient deficiencies.

2. Leaf Drop: Sudden leaf drop is typically caused by:

  • Drastic temperature changes
  • Over-watering

Solutions: Maintain a consistent temperature between 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid drafts. Also, check your watering schedule to ensure you are not over-watering your plant.

3. Slow Growth: If your Golden Money Plant is growing slowly, it might be due to:

  • Insufficient light exposure
  • Lack of proper nutrients

Solutions: Move your plant to an area with more indirect sunlight, and consider using a grow light. Fertilize the plant every few months to provide the necessary nutrients for growth.

By following these watering techniques and addressing common problems, your Golden Money Plant will maintain its beauty and continue to grow, providing a lively addition to your indoor or outdoor space.

Propagation Methods

There are several ways you can propagate a golden money plant. In this section, we will be discussing the cutting method, nodes, and perennials.

Cutting Method

The cutting method is a popular and generally successful way to propagate money plants. To do this, take a 3-4 inch cutting from a healthy, mature money plant and remove the lower leaves. Place the cutting in a glass of water and keep it in a warm, bright location. The cutting should root in 1-2 weeks, after which you can transplant it into a pot with potting soil. Alternatively, you can directly plant the cutting into soil and follow the same process.


When propagating your money plant using cuttings, it is important to ensure that there are at least 3-4 nodes present on the stem. Nodes are the specific points on the stem where new roots and shoots can emerge. To increase the chance of successful propagation, bury 3-4 nodes of the stem in the soil when planting the cutting. Using a humidifier or covering the plant cutting with a biodegradable plastic bag can also help encourage growth.


Money plants are perennial plants, which means they can live for several years and continuously grow new stems, leaves, and flowers. This characteristic makes it relatively easy to propagate them using the methods discussed above. In addition, perennials can be propagated by separating offsets or baby plants that form at the base of the main plant. To do this, gently snap off the offset below the soil level and plant it in a separate container with potting soil. Ensure the offset has some roots attached to it, so it can establish itself as a new plant.

Using these propagation methods, you can successfully multiply your golden money plant and enjoy its beauty for years to come.

Symbolism and Beliefs

Feng Shui and Vastu

The money plant, also known as golden money plant, holds great significance in both Feng Shui and Vastu. In Feng Shui, it is believed to harmonize the energy flow within a space, promoting balance and a sense of well-being. The plant is associated with the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, which helps to create positive energy in a room. In Vastu, the money plant is thought to bring financial prosperity when placed in the southeast direction of a home or business, as this is the direction associated with wealth and abundance.

Wealth, Prosperity, and Good Luck

The golden money plant is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and good luck. Its presence in a space is believed to attract both financial prosperity and general good fortune, making it a popular choice for homes and businesses alike. The plant’s heart-shaped leaves, which grow in a creeping or trailing manner, are thought to symbolically represent the flow of money, attracting positive energy connected to financial growth.

The money plant also has a fascinating history, originating from a Taiwanese truck driver who cultivated five small trees and braided their trunks together in a single plant pot in 1986. This unique design quickly gained popularity in Japan and spread throughout East Asia, becoming a symbolic and meaningful presence in homes and businesses as a symbol of good fortune.

In summary, the golden money plant holds great significance in the realms of Feng Shui, Vastu, and symbolism of wealth, prosperity, and good luck. Its presence in a space is believed to promote harmony, positive energy, and the flow of financial abundance, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking balance, well-being, and a touch of fortune in their lives.

Health Benefits and Air Purification

Golden money plants, also known as Pothos or Devil’s Ivy, are popular houseplants that offer several health benefits and work as an air purifier. This section will discuss the specific advantages of having a money plant in your home, including its ability to remove airborne pollutants and reduce anxiety and stress.

Removing Airborne Pollutants

The money plant is an effective air purifier that can remove various pollutants from the indoor environment. Some of the primary airborne pollutants that money plants help eliminate include:

  • Xylene: This chemical is commonly found in paint thinners, varnishes, and other solvents. Money plants help reduce xylene levels in the indoor environment.
  • Benzene: This carcinogenic compound is present in cigarette smoke, gasoline, plastics, and various industrial products. Money plants can help reduce benzene concentrations in the air.
  • Toluene: This volatile organic compound is found in paint, adhesives, and other household products. Money plants assist in absorbing and reducing toluene levels.

By removing these airborne pollutants, money plants contribute to cleaner air, thus promoting overall health and well-being.

Reducing Anxiety and Stress

In addition to purifying the air, money plants are believed to provide positive energy, which can help reduce anxiety and stress levels. Their lush green foliage creates a soothing environment, making them an excellent addition to living spaces, offices, or bedrooms.

As a houseplant, money plants require minimal maintenance and can thrive in various lighting conditions, making them the perfect choice for promoting a calming environment in your home or workspace.

In conclusion, golden money plants offer numerous benefits as an air purifier and stress reliever. Incorporating this versatile and low-maintenance houseplant into your living space can contribute to a healthier and more relaxed atmosphere.

In addition to the golden money plant, there are several other plants known for their association with prosperity and good fortune. Below are some popular money plants that can attract positive energy and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space.

Jade Plant

Crassula ovata, commonly known as the jade plant, is a popular succulent believed to bring good luck and fortune to its owner. It features thick, shiny, dark green leaves that resemble jade gemstones. Native to South Africa, this low-maintenance plant is easy to care for and thrives in indirect sunlight with minimal watering.

  • Light: Bright, indirect light
  • Water: Allow soil to dry between watering
  • Soil: Well-draining succulent mix
  • Fertilizer: Mild liquid fertilizer during the growing season

Money Tree

Pachira aquatica, also known as the money tree, is a tropical plant characterized by its braided trunk and large, glossy green leaves. According to feng shui principles, the plant is said to bring financial luck and prosperity. Money trees require moderate care, preferring indirect sunlight and well-draining soil.

  • Light: Indirect sunlight
  • Water: Keep soil consistently moist, but not soggy
  • Soil: Well-draining mix
  • Fertilizer: Balanced liquid fertilizer every 6-8 weeks

Chinese Money Plant

Pilea peperomioides, or the Chinese money plant, is known for its round, coin-like leaves that can bring luck and prosperity. This compact, vigorous grower enjoys bright indirect light, well-draining soil, and regular watering. Native to the Yunnan Province in China, this plant also reproduces quickly, making it a rewarding and shareable indoor plant.

  • Light: Bright, indirect light
  • Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
  • Soil: Rich, well-draining potting mix
  • Fertilizer: Balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks

Lucky Bamboo

Dracaena sanderiana, commonly known as lucky bamboo, is another popular plant linked to good fortune. With its segmented stalks and vibrant green leaves, this low-maintenance plant is easy to care for and can be grown in both water and soil. According to feng shui, the number of bamboo stalks represents different blessings such as wealth, happiness, and long life.

  • Light: Low to moderate light
  • Water: Change water every 1-2 weeks for water-grown plants or keep soil consistently moist for soil-grown plants
  • Soil: Well-draining potting mix if grown in soil


Hydrocotyle leucocephala or pennywort, is an aquatic plant with coin-shaped leaves that are believed to attract wealth and prosperity. It is often used in aquariums and ponds due to its fast growth and ease of care. Pennywort is adaptable to various light conditions, water temperatures, and nutrient levels.

  • Light: Moderate to bright light
  • Water: Submerged in water
  • Temperature: 68-82°F (20-28°C)
  • Fertilizer: Moderate levels of nutrients in water

Geographic Distribution and Habitat

South East and South Asia

The golden money plant, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, is native to Southeast Asia and South Asia. In its natural habitat, the plant grows as an evergreen vine, climbing up to 20 m (66 ft) tall using aerial roots that adhere to surfaces. It can be found in tropical rainforests where it thrives in high humidity, warm temperatures, and partial shade.

South America

Although the golden money plant is not originally from South America, it has been introduced to the region. Over time, it has adapted to the diverse range of climates in South America, including moist subtropical regions and rainforests. The ability of Epipremnum aureum to grow in different habitats has made it a popular houseplant, both for its aesthetics and hardiness.

South Africa

The golden money plant can also be found in South Africa, predominantly as an indoor plant due to its preference for tropical and subtropical climates. It is important to note that golden money plant may not grow as well outdoors in regions with more temperate climates, as it requires warmth and humidity to thrive.

In summary, the golden money plant is renowned for its adaptability, which has enabled it to thrive in various geographic regions, including Southeast Asia, South Asia, South America, and South Africa.

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